Barn Quilt Trail

This quilt block reflects the Yellowlees family’s current and past ventures and their life-long love of agriculture. It is comprised of four squares which depict 1) a sheep for their cross bred flock of sheep which produces their farm-raised lamb. 2) a pig for the herd they raised back in the 1990’s as well as the weaner pigs they raise today. 3) a Highland cow giving a nod to the Yellowlees Scottish heritage as well as a small fold of cows that they pasture on their land. 4) a sunflower which was a long standing crop they planted annually for over 30 years to harvest and sell as wild bird seed.

This quilt was inspired by the design of a cherished baby quilt that was knit by Grandma for Stephanie’s first daughter. Currently it is framed and hanging over the fireplace for all to admire. The Passafiume family moved to the new dream home/farm in 2019 near Seagrave Ontario. The barn quilt represents the new beginnings of the move to Seagrave with a bit of the past built in. Starting something new by using ideas from the past but making them their own as they move forward.

Hinterland Growers is a family-run market-garden farm that was founded in 2016 with a commitment to organic farming techniques to preserve the land in order to provide the local community with wholesome produce. The Garden of Eden pattern represents the farm because while the world will never be like it was before the fall of man, it is here where they can find a glimpse of peace, beauty and the perfection of God’s creation that was offered in The Garden of Eden.

Lavender Blu is a small family run lavender farm comprised of an eco-garden, artisan lavender studio and a hobby farm on the shore of the Nonquon River in Scugog. They focus on blending the arts and agri-tourism to feature the beauty and versatility of lavender. Lavender has been an inspirational part of many artistic avenues - photography, painting, perfume, wellness, landscape design, culinary arts, floristry, bee keeping and many more. Our Blu Blossom quilt represents the multifocal beauty of our home grown lavender.

This quilt stands mounted on the Nesbitt Shed of the Uxbridge Historical Centre moved to the grounds
in 1981. The Shed in its previous location on the Nesbitt farm was used as a filming location for the
television series “Road to Avonlea,” a show based on the popular book series “Anne of Green Gables”
written by Lucy Maud Montgomery while she lived in Leaskdale. The quilt’s pattern is that of a crazy
quilt, popularized in the late 1800s through the early 1900s in the Victorian era. The pattern was chosen
for this specific barn quilt inspired by the crazy quilt made by Lucy Maud herself which is currently
housed in the Anne of Green Gables Museum in PEI. Throughout the barn quilt, various hues of three
colours are used: emerald green, ruby red, and sapphire blue. These three colours are what Lucy Maud
Montgomery used to describe her home on PEI. Complete with a silhouette of Anne Shirley in the
bottom right corner, this barn quilt is crazy about Lucy Maud Montgomery.

More than 50 years ago the Linton Farm Market was the only farm market in North Oshawa. Three generations of the Linton family have been providing locally produced farm fresh vegetables from their farm market. It started when they grew tomatoes for the local canning factory and gradually added more vegetables, fruit, jams, honey, maple syrup, cheese, baking and seasonal flowers and decorations to the market.
Their Fun Farm , Fresh Air and Fresh Food from the Farm motto is enhanced by the U-Pick, Kids Play area and the School tours they offer.

Ducks, Shetland Sheep, and Belted Galloways are part of the family on our farm. The theme of tree leaves in four seasons of colour was chosen for two primary reasons. First, as a reflection of the four seasons of life on the farm and the different tasks that need to be completed. ]Second, an acknowledgement of previous generations of families that have lived and worked on this farm and their contribution to its growth.
Green Eggs and Lamb Farm -Brigetta Balling and Erik Jukic

This sunflower barn quilt is a nod to the Pinedale Patch which is a new venture in agritourism with our sunflower trail and pumpkin patch. Teledale Farms was purchased by the Smith Family in 1958. The farm, at that time, had a 20 milking cows that were milked with a bucket milker. The farm is now run by the third generation and milks over 100 cows with two robotic milkers. Teledale Farms is now certified as “grass fed.”

Heather ‘s parents ( Ron & Joyce Forbes) are avid travellers throughout Canada and United States, often embarking on road trips to see new places and visit friends. Over the years, they have come across many Barn Quilts and have admired their colour and creativity. In recent years, Ron & Joyce have toured the Barn Quilt trails throughout Ontario. Like many, the pandemic created some free time for them and they chose to use that time to design and paint a barn quilt for each of their three children as Christmas gifts.

The design of this quilt mirrors the United Church of Canada, as well as a spiritual and historic reminder. The colours are often associated with the Aboriginal Medicine Wheel. The Medicine Wheel, which refelects a respect for diversity and interdependence , is often represented in the four traditional colours of red, yellow, black and white. These colours incorporate the important teachings from the four directions – the four stages of life and the four seasons.

Richard Lovekin came to Canada from Cork, Ireland in 1796. He had been granted 1200 acres in Clarke Township which is now part of the Village of Newcastle in Clarington. Lovekin Farm, an on farm market, is the next generation of the family heritage of agriculture. The sunflowers and vegetabes represent the ” crops” grown and the mules are to pull a covered wagon. This quilt shows a strong family heritage to community and agriculture in Ontario.

This quilt represents a strong community and a tribute to the Solina Women’s Institute for their 113 years of dedicated service ” For Home and Country”. They played an important role in fund raising for maintaining the Hall, supporting local charities, the war effort in early years, and supplied generations of 4H leaders for Solina. The soccer ball – for the role that soccer has played for generations of men and boys since the late 1800’s. The block with the heart shows the strong sense of community that families in this area have nutured at this hall.This hall has been a central focus for community gatherings, both joyous and sad since the late 1800’s.

The Gibson’s have been farming 120 years and are all about coexisting with nature. They have bees and encourage people to learn how to live with them. At the end of their sunflower maze you find a tiny fairy home. The farm gate store sells products from their farm

Five generations of sheep farmers have raised and shown sheep at local fairs and National Exhibitions. The natural springs at the top of a hill on the farm was the obvious choice for the name of their farm.The water from this spring supplied the north end of Bowmanville for many years.

The darkened tree is a sunset perspective over the Enniskillen Valley as the moon comes up with 5 stars all encased in a hexagon representing the honey bee comb.

This quilt design features the soil, orchard turf, blue sky and the yellow sun which are all the elements needed to grow apples. This farm has been in the Archibald family since 1967 and 10,000 trees – 14 varieties of apples- have been added over the years. These apples are made into award winning wine.

Generations of memories for Thomas, Wilfrid, Eric & Aaron (TWEA). Cropping (corn), Holsteins, Angus, chickens and pigs at Bowmanview Farms since 1929. Five generations have been farming for 167 years in Ontario. Bowmanview was the prefix for the dairy herd from 1946-2005. Angus cattle were the next herd to wander the farm as we moved into the the next phase of the farm.

This quilt is in memory of Pat and Russ Best. The farm, east of Soilina,. was lost to the Hwy 407 in 2015. The “F” symbolizes the farm name” Fairwinds” and the greens and browns for the crops grown. The Holstein represents the dairy herd from 1957- 2015. The Massey “33” at the top, is the tractor used to transport all the equipment from a rented farm at Bayview and Finch, Toronto down Hwy 401 to Solina in 1957.